Idols have been on my mind a lot lately. Not the American kind that sings on a stage and gets voted into the next round. I am talking about the statue kind that you worship and pray to. From a western perspective these kinds of idols seem to only exist in the history books. I think of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. I also think of the Old Testament. It is hard to read very far without some reference to idols. Some of my favorite stories are when the prophets of a false god square off against the true prophets of Yahweh. I think of Elijah and his showdown with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. I get goosebumps imagining what it would have been like to be on that mountain top seeing the one, true God demonstrate His magnificent power for all to see.
My thoughts haven’t been on idols as a result of my daily scripture reading, though. Idols don’t just exist in history books or the Bible. Idols exist today. Living in Thailand I see them daily. I cannot go more than a half-mile without seeing one or more. There is one at the entrance to our neighborhood. It is even common for most people to erect idols in front of their home to ward off bad energy and evil spirits. These idols sit elevated and often have food and beverages placed around them as a form of offering.
Idols are also some of the major tourist attractions in Thailand. Every town and district seems to have its own “wat” (temple) where people come to worship. Each wat is an amazing masterpiece of architecture and construction. Inlaid precious stones, gold, and beautiful paintings are seen throughout each. The ancient wats have some of the most amazing stone work I have seen.
These wats also serve as “homes” for idols of all kinds. Mostly these idols are different depictions of Buddha but they also are various animals and other mythological creatures. We visited a wat in Bangkok that housed a ginormous Buddha. This Buddha is 15 meters high and 46 meters long and known as the “Reclining Buddha”. It is amazing to see what man can create.

It is easy to get caught up in the grandeur of these wats. They are quite the spectacle. The picture opportunities abound! Staying active on social media is hard work 🙂 However, these wats are not merely a backdrop for the next IG post, they are a venue to worship false gods.
My heart is overcome with sadness for the people I see coming and going in worship. I admire and I am inspired by their devotion. They are dedicated to giving of their time, energy, money, and more. I believe there are things we can learn as Christians from their discipline and culture. However, in the process of giving they are ultimately losing their life!
Eirenee’ led us in prayer at a recent visit to a wat. I have never done this before. It was a powerful time. We prayed to our Yahweh God as we sat surrounded by idols and their worshippers. We prayed that He would demonstrate Himself through signs and wonders to these people. That He would topple their idols and soften their hearts to hear and receive His son Jesus. We prayed that we would be obedient and courageous to be instruments of His reconciliation as He called.
I am grateful for Eirenee’s vision to see the situation clearly that day in the wat and call us to pray. I am also grateful to be surrounded by idols everywhere I go. It has been a daily conviction.
We all have idols in our lives. Sadly, our sin nature has created an idol factory in our hearts – turning even good things into ultimate things. These ultimate things take the place of God and require our worship. Idols in western culture may not always be placed in front of our homes or neighborhoods or sheltered in temples but they exist just the same. People may not give their time, energy, and money to carved statues and the temples that protect them but they still “worship” their own idols in other ways.
I have given my time and energy hoping to achieve greatness. Hidden from view, my idol of self-significance was being worshipped.
I have given money to buy new workout programs and diet regimes that went beyond health and stewardship of my body. Hidden from view, my idol of self-image was worshipped.
The list goes on….
The idols of the West – specifically my idols – may be hidden from view but they are just as binding as the idols of the East and the idols I see in Thailand. I almost prefer the idols here because I can see what people are worshipping. This is not to say that idols of wealth, health, and others don’t exist in Thailand. However, there is an overt interconnectedness with their visible idols that doesn’t exist as frequently in the West.
This has challenged me to ask the questions:
- What idols are currently in my life hidden just beyond view?
- How are these idols shaping the ways that I live, love, and lead?
- Where must I surrender to God, repent, and pray for newness to see the light of Jesus enter these dark areas of my heart and life?
I would like to make these questions and my response a daily reflection and rhythm of faith. Somedays I am growing towards this and other days I slide. Praise God for new mercies everyday!
In closing, I ask you:
- What idols exist in your life?
- Are you willing to surrender them to our good, good Father?
- What is holding you back?
Let’s not allow fear to hold us back from taking a hard look at our hearts and lives. Let’s not allow fear to prevent us from coming to Jesus in repentance. Let us remember, perfect love drives out all fear (1 Jn 4:18)!
I encourage you, child of God, and therefore I speak to truth to myself in this:
- Nothing can separate us from God – not even our idols (Rm 8:28).
- Repentance ALWAYS leads to forgiveness (1 Jn 1:9).
- We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus (Rm 8:27).
- When the Light shines in the darkness, the darkness cannot overcome it (Jn 1:5).
My continual prayer is not that we would consume ourselves with identifying and uprooting idols in our lives. This could become an idol in itself! Instead, I pray as the Apostle Paul beseeched the Hebrews: “let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2).