Please follow the instructions under the FBR logo for designating gifts directly to us.
Click above to give debt card, credit card, or bank account if you would like a tax-deductible statement of your giving.
What if I like checks?
Please make checks payable to Free the Oppressed and send using this address. Please write “Ross & Eirenee Pospisil” in the memo of the check or money order.
Free the Oppressed PO Box 912938 Denver, CO 80291-2938 Attn: Ross and Eirenee’ Pospisil
Great question! We have a monthly budget of $5,600. This will cover both ministry giving, future saving, and living expenses. Our budget has increased from last year to pay off loans and complete repairs on our home. The graph below depicts our current level of financial support.
2024 Monthly Budget Funded or Pledged (as of July 2024)
Interested in an opportunity to partner on a project?
We are excited about the home Jesus has provided for ministry and growing our family! We have named our home – “The Greenhouse.” We pray it is a place people can come as they are and grow closer to Jesus in community with others.
We were blessed with several people in our community providing us personal loans that total over $85,000. We couldn’t have purchased the home without this support. Thank you! Our goal is to pay these loans off in the next five years. Please pray Jesus will provide for us to do this even sooner!
If you are interested in partnering with us on this project please annotate in your giving that you desire for your gift to be applied specifically to the home.
The Greenhouse Fund - $85,000
Thank you for being answered prayer!
Your financial partnership will allow us to cultivate and sustain spaces for Jesus to work through us! If you would like to understand in greater detail how your gifts could support us, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Would you pray with us?
**Note: Please forgive our delay in giving thanks for your partnership. At times it takes up to 4-weeks for gifts to be reported.